Joe Scarbrough: ‘How Bad Democrats Are at Playing Politics’

No true words have ever been spoken. My God! There are days that I really have to believe Democrats are dumber than RepubliKKKlans. I’ve always known Democrats have been weak while showing a few, sporadic moments of strength, but all in all, they are a feckless bunch, and in this pivotal time in American history, when political ruthlessness is needed to save our country, we are stuck with dumbass Democrats. As I have said countless, countless times before, Biden is the intermission to the end of democracy. This administration is merely a speed bump when we had been hoping — I know, I hate the word hope — that by some miracle of God, Democrats would be the wall, but 2021 clearly evinced the futility of such daydreaming. Regrettably, in the end, Democrats always revert to their true selves: An incompetent political party that doesn’t understand the game. I’ve been saying from the start that Democrats keep acting like they have majority control of Congress. They! Do! Not! How many f***ing times do I have to say it? How long before dumbass Democrats actually understand this fact? I’m talking technically and realistically. May I remind Democrats and readers that there are 48 elected Democrats and two elected Independents in the Senate. Democrats are fortunate that the Independents (King and Sanders) caucus and usually vote with Democrats, but the fact remains that the Democratic Party is still unable to get 50 elected Democrats in the Senate. Then there are the DINOs, which are a whole other issue and present more of a roadblock than the Independents. So, Democrats really need to be — should have been — focused on getting more Democrats elected to Congress.

That brings me to my next point. Biden should have said from day one: Thank you for electing me, but it is not enough. I need more Democrats in elected office — everywhere and at every level, especially in Congress. He should have said that 50-50 is not a majority, and there is very little I can do with such a Senate, except confirming judges — something on which Democrats should be more focused. From the very beginning of his term, he should have tempered expectations because of not having said majority. Indeed, ideally, he needs a supermajority, but one pipe dream at a time. Then he should have immediately started campaigning for the midterms to achieve a true majority. But no! Instead, he and every other dumbass Democrat interrupted a 50-50 Senate as a mandate from the people. That is why we are exactly in the spot we’re in now: Biden is essentially no more popular than traitor trump. Then I am sadly reminded that Biden probably won more because of the anti-traitor trump vote than because of the pro-Biden vote. The question then becomes this: Are voters, especially Independents, willing to go back to traitor trump? Yes! Welcome to stupid America!