
Jon Meacham Gets a F***ing Clue, Finally

So! As a die-hard and religious watcher of “Morning Joe,” I frequently listen to Jon Meacham opine about his great confidence in the wisdom of the American people and the enduring nature of our republic. For years following the insurrection, I’ve had to listen to him proclaim our democracy can withstand traitor trump. (This too shall pass.) And each time, I scream at the laptop in frustration that Meacham is f***ing clueless. Indeed, I am often left exacerbated by his perspective and overly rosey commentary on the state of the union, constantly thinking to myself, “How the f*** is this esteemed scholar of American history so f***ing G.D. clueless about the zeitgeist of the country?” This guy is supposed to be eminently learned and an authority on the past, yet he can’t even see what’s right in front of him?

Well, guess what? On today’s show — mark the date as August 15, 2023 — he’s finally starting to see the light and concedes that America may not be mature enough to keep its democracy. No f***ing sh*t, Sherlock! Welcome to reality, f***tard. I’ve been saying this for years, and I — no doubt — have a tiny fraction of historical knowledge than he does. In fact, it’s probably his wisdom that has kept him delusional for so long as he always seems to draw on past events to bolster his conviction that America has been through worse and survived. Now, it seems he’s starting to have second thoughts as traitor trump racks up more indictments and the RepubliKKKlan Party evermore closes ranks to protect him, whereas “anti-trumpers” (if they really exist) remain silent at every opportunity. There is no historical parallel to now other than the Civil War when the country had two completely opposite notions of the character and future of the country. Sound familiar? Instead of states’ rights and human bondage, today, it is fascism versus democracy. And Americans can’t seem to agree on which one is a danger to the country’s future. I live in f***ing hell! The end is here, and now historians are starting to see that! (A day late and a dollar short!) But whatever! Welcome to stupid America!