Just Another Day in Stupid America

So, I’m getting my haircut in the usual way with my long-time stylist, who I fear evinces more and more signals of being a SARS 2 denier and MAGA moron. She has alluded to SARS 2 being more hype than fact in the past, but today she communicated to me what a pharmacist had told her: that SARS 2 is becoming less deadly and that it is nothing more than a bad cold! Have I mentioned how much I hate people?!?! F***! I just f***ing do because for some reason I seem to find myself surrounded by idiots, and I’m not even trying. (This is why I keep saying that the silent majority, the secret traitor trump voter, the moron voter is out there and their numbers are deeper and wider and more pervasive than people want to believe. Mark my words!) Un-f***ing-believable! After months of this pandemic and a catastrophic response by the moron in the White House, now a medical professional has downgraded the severity of SARS 2 from the once-believed-by-most to be nothing more than the flu to being nothing more than a bad cold, and he’s telling others this. I can’t! I just f***ing can’t anymore with this stupid country. F*** me! Just because one has a doctorate, in this case a Doctor of Pharmacy, doesn’t mean one cannot also be a G.D. f***tard of the highest f***ing order! What do you call someone who graduated last in their class from medical school? Doctor! Ugh! Enough said!

First of all, I have read no evidence that the virus has become less lethal. In fact, it seems that the strain in the Americas has become more transmissible and just as lethal. Second, the argument that fewer people are dying — as my hairstylist offered as “proof” of a less deadly virus, which was no doubt the same argument said pharmacist offered as anecdotal “evidence” to her — is not valid to draw such a conclusion about the diminishing lethality of the disease. Yes, younger people are getting infected who, almost by definition, can tolerate the disease better. Indeed, more younger people are getting infected because senior citizens are staying the f*** away from everyone else and they’re wearing f***ing masks, no doubt. Not to mention there are better treatments, which does not mean the virus is less deadly; it only means science can help avoid the worst outcomes. We have learned much more in the last several months about how to treat SARS 2. Well, most of us have learned, but morons will always be stupid, so they cling to their original beliefs (e.g., SARS 2 is just like the flu — correction it’s just like a cold, ugh). Last, I’ve said it a hundred times before that no one will take this pandemic seriously until people are dying in the m*****f***ing G.D streets! Even if the disease is only deadly one percent of the time, hospitalization is still required in nearly 20 percent of the cases, and no medical system can handle that amount of demand. So in the end, it is the stupidity of the f***tarded conservative mindset that is incapable of looking past his or her own nose to understand that even if SARS 2 isn’t killing a family member, friend, or neighbor there are still secondary and tertiary consequences that could come back to hurt them. Whatever! I’m over it! All the worst people seem to survive when they really should perish! Welcome to trump stupid America!