Just Get Ready for Mass Death

CNN reports, “And increasing signs that the pandemic is becoming more virulent in states that heeded the President’s calls to open the economy — like Florida, Arizona, South Carolina and Texas — contradict his claim that the US has prevailed and it’s safe to go back to normal. ‘They just don’t want to deal with the reality of it. They’re in denial,’ an official familiar with the work of the White House’s coronavirus task force told CNN’s Jim Acosta.” Ugh! Christ-on-the-f***ing-Cross! This is not f***ing difficult, morons! Americans in all their infinite wisdom and patience and selfishness are just done with SARS 2. Plain and simple. Traitor trump is done with the pandemic and Americans are merely taking his lead. One need look no further than recent economic indicators like retail sales and the stock market, in particular. People are over lockdowns and social distancing and face masks apparently.

Moreover, given the stock market is so much off its lows — no, actually just slightly below its all-time highs — a V-shaped economic recovery is all but assumed. All of this is, of course, pure insanity. People act as if this pandemic has been conquered because that’s what the Idiot-in-Chief keeps signaling. Right on cue, the herp derps nod in agreement and rush back out into society. The operative word here being rush. So, it is no surprise that many states are going in the wrong direction with managing the pandemic. None of this matters since deep down inside the ugliness of American Exceptionalism is the notion that no one cares about the pandemic because not enough people have died yet. As I have said before no one will care until people are dying in the streets, and maybe that is not enough to shock the conscience. Dare I say that the stock markets have probably factored in a 1%-2% mortality rate (of the entire U.S. population) at worst. Honestly, I think Americans have simply accepted that a few million Americans are going to die. So what? That’s where we’re at right now. So, welcome to stupid America. Get ready for mass death and no one will blink an eye because of freedom and buying things and more freedom!

One final insidious point. I hope the morons out there realize that those who want to ignore the pandemic and rush back to normalcy are the same ones that believe all the right people are dying from SARS 2. As long as it’s the black and brown people in the U.S. and indigenous people in other countries (viz., Bolsonaro of Brazil) then the deniers and haters don’t care. Mark my words!