
Just Kill the Cunt!

Vicky Hartzler

From Yahoo! News, “GOP Rep. Vicky Hartzler of Missouri broke down crying on the House floor on Thursday as she begged her colleagues to vote against the bipartisan bill aimed at protecting same-sex marriage, the Respect for Marriage Act. ‘I hope and pray that my colleagues will find the courage to join me in opposing this misguided and this dangerous bill,’ Hartzler said through tears. Hartzler spent the first two minutes of her speech bashing the bill, claiming its ‘only purpose is to hand the federal government a legal bludgeoning tool to drive people of faith out of the public square and silence anyone who dissents.’ This is not Hartzler’s first time fighting against the expansion of marriage protections — as the Kansas City Star first noted, prior to her time in Congress, Hartzler vehemently pushed for an amendment to be added to Missouri’s constitution that would define marriage as between a man and a woman.”

I am tired, and I’m over it! I’m tired of the LGBTQ community being the target of hate, so I’m going to start saying what needs to be done! Cull these people from society. The only way to counter this level of hatred is to kill — literally and figuratively. I don’t know if you morons have noticed, but the hate is killing the gays. Violent attacks are rising, and RepubliKKKlans, evil evangelicals, MAGA morons, and QAnon kooks inspire them. Moreover, they are boosted and condoned by people like Hartzler, who literally cry and implore politicians (and people) to do something to protect Christians from “attacks” by the gays! She may be explicitly talking about marriage, but the subtext is much more. The implication is to stop the gays by any means necessary to protect Christians from Satan, which then becomes an interpretation by others to kill LGBTQ members. To that, I say: We need to kill them first! Welcome to stupid America, where the gays have yet to figure out that in America, it is kill or be killed!