Just Tiergartenstraße 4 Them!

From Salon, “Given the relentless horror show we’ve experienced since Trump was inaugurated, it should be supremely worrisome that he actually gained voters — 11 million more than in 2016, so far — and it happened in the midst of an uncontrolled and incompetently mismanaged pandemic that has killed nearly a quarter-million Americans, manifesting the steepest downturn in the economy since forever. … If four years of suffocating madness didn’t convince Trump’s followers to abandon their messiah in droves, I seriously doubt that traveling to Midwestern diners and talking to them about health care or economic anxiety will change their badly deluded, badly brainwashed minds. They are unreachable. Seventy-three million Americans have gone bye-bye, hoodwinked by an unstable con man and the conservative entertainment complex that backstops him.”

Um, yeah! Stupid America is so f***ing lost. Seriously, it is time to cull the 73 million morons that voted for traitor trump. There is nothing else that can or should be done. These people are lost. They are a disease in America, and like all diseases, they must be eradicated from society. Full stop! Welcome to stupid America. It’s still stupid even with a Biden win because we need to excise the cancer from humanity! The only way to save America is to annihilate the other 45 percent of morons. Now, ask me how I really feel.