Justice Breyer to Retire: Don’t F*** It Up, Democrats

Justice Breyer decides to retire while Democrats still have control of the White House and the Senate. Thankfully, he is unwilling to roll the dice as RBG did. That turned out to be colossally and irreparably damaging to liberal causes. By her holding out, much of what she fought for and believed in will be undone. Ugh! I get angry all over again just thinking about it, but I’m glad Breyer got the hint. I am sorry that Breyer will not have had a longer tenure as the leader of the liberal wing of SCOTUS, but to be sure he can never be vilified for having remained and having caused a Democratic president the opportunity to keep a liberal seat safe. Nonetheless, this is only the first step and I am always cautious when dumbass Democrats will be required to play the hardest of political hardball. What are the chances that Democrats f*** this nomination up? I’m going with 50/50. Biden absolutely must nominate an African-American woman — as long as she is LGBTQ-friendly. The younger the better. Mid-40s is perfect!

I can’t wait for future SCOTUS opinions to consistently break down along the conservative-liberal divide in which a bunch of white men routinely overrule the women, who are themselves mostly racial minorities. If SCOTUS did not appear biased before, then it certainly will be going forward. It will lay bare before the entire country that our rights are being shaped and re-shaped by only white men. Of course, 40 percent of the populous want nothing other than that. Sadly, none of this matters (to most Democrats and liberal-leaning Independents) because those who should care the most about SCOTUS are those who are the least aware. This is why RepubliKKKlans rule and run the highest court in the land. Don’t f*** this up, Democrats. I will not consider the nomination a done deal until the new justice is sworn in — fast. I mean Amy Coney Barrett fast, if not faster! F*** tradition. F*** decorum. F*** stateliness. F*** RepubliKKKlans. Get! This! Done! (Oh, and dear God in all of heaven, I pray that Justice Thomas suddenly dies before the Democrats lose control of the Senate. He’s a fat f*** whose diet is no doubt 50 percent fat and 50 percent red meat and 50 bigot! But then again God has a cruel sense of humor; wicked RepubliKKKlans live forever and Democrats die at the worst time possible.)