Kamala Is the Fire I’ve Been Waiting For!

Wow. Is this the Dark Brenda (no pejorative intended) for which we’ve been waiting? I listened to Harris speak at the Biden (now Harris) campaign headquarters in Delaware and her first speech at a campaign event in Wisconsin, and I was happy to hear her message. It was beyond refreshing and a relief to hear her make a case for candidacy more clearly, forcefully, and energetically than Biden could ever do consistently. Harris is the fighter that Biden refused to be, which is why I’ve been calling Biden weak for the last three years to my utter frustration. The nice guy, grandpa persona has grown very tiresome with me and, dare I say, with most of the Democratic base. I think this is why such a large segment of the electorate has been so down on Biden. It’s not so much his age or apparent lapses in mental acuity; it’s because, in the face of traitor trump, Biden was simply not a fighter. As I’ve repeatedly said, if we could see Dark Brandon on the campaign trail all the time, then the race might be different, but to see that forceful side of Biden only every now and then was just not going to cut it. I say: Let’s go, Dark Brenda!