Kill! Me! Now!

From Politico, “Former national security adviser John Bolton said Monday he would testify if subpoenaed as part of the Senate’s impeachment trial of President Donald Trump. Bolton, who was asked to testify as part of the House’s impeachment inquiry but refused to appear for a deposition, said in a statement he wants to meet his’ obligations’ both as a citizen and as a former top presidential adviser.” Oh, yeah. As if! Of course, the morons of the MSM were tripping all over this “breaking news.” Apparently, this was so earth-shattering that it pushed WW III news off the top of the newscast. It was the “game-changer!” Traitor trump and the turtle are in trouble now! How can the turtle resist the zero RepubliKKKlans calling for Bolton to testify?

Un-f***ing-believable. I swear to f***ing God! It is impossible to discern who is dumber: MAGA morons, RepubliKKKlans, some Democrats, or the MSM. Not once did the MSM question the sincerity and likelihood of Bolton actually testifying, which are both zero. As usual, the storyline is what will the Senate do? Oh, dear f***ing Lord! What will RepubliKKKlans in the Senate do now? These are absolutely stupid questions meant for the average moron viewer because the answer today is the same as it was yesterday, as it was a week ago, a month ago, since traitor trump took office: nothing! Watching MSM treat this “news” as if anything changed is so infuriating and mind-numbingly stupid.

Don’t worry. There is enough stupidity to go around! Naturally, dumbass Democrats will do nothing either. It’s been nearly 24 hours since Bolton’s announcement, and not a single House Democrat has called for him to testify in the House because this is stupid America. So, let me see if I understand this correctly. Bolton hides behind others’ lawsuits not to testify, and, like clockwork, the House withdrew its subpoena because the courts were going to take too long, effectively rendering the entire argument moot. Now, Bolton suddenly has a “change of heart” by offering to testify in the Senate when there is zero chance of that ever happening — mark my words, morons. Wow! How brave of him! Welcome to stupid America. Dumbass Democrats are f***ing us over more than MAGA morons and RepubliKKKlans!