Evil Evangelicals MAGA Morons Politics Purely Moronic RepubliKKKlans

Killing Roe Is the Great Replacement Choice

Look! Killing Roe is meant to help avert the Great Replacement. Coupled with controlling women’s bodies, this is the primary goal of the white Christian nationalists sitting on SCOTUS and in government. Now, now. I already hear your objections: Killing Roe impacts poor minority groups the most, which are allegedly the groups engendering the Great Replacement. To be sure, poor minority groups would be most impacted by banning abortions, but there is a reason why white nationalists want to push abortions into the back alleys because, mind you, abortions are not going away; they’re just going to become more deadly, and that is the point. If black and brown people can’t get an abortion legally, then they are more likely to die trying or be jailed for succeeding. Either way, they cannot reproduce to replace whitey. These RepubliKKKlans, MAGA morons, evil evangelicals, and QAnon kooks are counting on white pregnant women forced to give birth to outnumber the darkies. In short, white supremacists want abortion bans to propel the white baby population while hoping minorities die while trying! It’s really that simple. Welcome to stupid America!