Purely Moronic

Kudos to Chauncey DeVega

A prominent author on Salon writes, “America remains in the grip of an existential democracy crisis: Donald Trump’s Republican-fascists and their movement are on the march, winning victory after victory while the Democrats and the ‘resistance’ are hunkered down, doing little if anything to fight back. … America is literally amusing itself to death, even as we learn further details about how Donald Trump and his agents attempted a coup to overthrow American democracy after his defeat in the 2020 election. … But the more basic and more plausible explanation is that the American people are attracted to juvenile and immature distractions, and that those impulses drive the mainstream news media’s ad revenues. Those concerns should wither away in the face of an unprecedented crisis of democracy crisis. Of course, that is unlikely to happen. … As the country succumbs to fascism, the American people, for the most part, are like the moviegoers in the cover image of the classic edition of Guy Debord’s ‘Society of the Spectacle,’ sitting transfixed in 3D glasses, seduced by the images on the screen and numb to the world outside. Trump’s agents, allies, and followers have set the theater on fire, but to this point the audience hasn’t noticed and likely would not even care if they did.”

Chauncey is being polite. I take a more direct attitude: America is too f***ing stupid to survive. Too stupid to care and too stupid to understand and be concerned about anything other than the bright shiny object directly in front of them — Americans want the traitor trump show. How many f***ing times have I said it? How many times? Americans looked into the traitor trump mirror and fell in love with the reflection. They want to be entertained on Facebook — the enemy entertainment platform of humanity. They want to be entertained on Instagram and Twitter. People want to be entertained by the next reality T.V. show — the White House edition. And how many times have I said this: Biden is merely the intermission before the end of democracy — sure to be the greatest show on Earth! And no one cares as long as people don’t have to think because critical thinking is too tough and Americans are too stupid. Oh, well. I give up. I’m just counting down the days to the end of traitor trump’s next term — assuming America’s democracy survives. Oh, but it won’t. Welcome to stupid America! Hint: It’s already too late, f***tards! I live in stupid hell!