Lady Looks Like a Dude in a Wig Says What?

Photo credit: Gage Skidmore via / CC BY-SA

According to the Advocate, “Republican U.S. Sen. Cynthia Lummis of Wyoming has issued an apology following the transphobic remarks she made while giving a commencement address at the University of Wyoming. During her remarks, she stated that the idea there are only ‘two sexes’ is a ‘fundamental scientific truth,’ drawing immediate boos from the audience.”

These f***ing RepubliKKKlans never look in the mirror, do they? Of course, with a mug like that, I assume “Cynthia” avoids mirrors for reasons related to the Pottery Barn rule. The irony in her hateful and ignorant statement is that she looks like a man in a lady’s wig. She appears to embody both sexes simultaneously while inveighing about “two sexes” and “science.” I will say this, though. I have seen no proof that she is not a transvestite. She could be until she proves otherwise. These people. Truly, these people! Welcome to stupid America, where irony goes to die.