Laissez-faire Capitalism

According to Axios, “The Trump administration is considering moves that would stem the flow of money from U.S. investors to China, Bloomberg and other news outlets report and Axios has confirmed. … What’s being floated: [a] Delisting Chinese firms from U.S. stock exchanges. [b] Banning the U.S. government from including Chinese equities in pension funds. [c] Limiting Chinese companies’ inclusion in U.S. stock indices.” Wow! Where’s the RepubliKKKlan outrage? Why aren’t they demanding the government stop interfering with capitalism? Of course, if Obama had been contemplating any of these things RepubliKKKlans would be calling him a socialist who wants to end capitalism. I f***ing hate all — without exception — RepubliKKKlans and MAGA morons because they are all hypocrites on every issue at every moment!

If people want to know why China is eating our lunch then they should look in the mirror. People act as if American companies have a gun to their heads to start doing business with China. Corporations are all too eager (and stupid) to move manufacturing and other supply chain channels to China because it’s cheaper! Traitor trump gets a thing or two correct once in a while and he is correct about American companies moving to China, but he blames the wrong people. It’s not China’s fault they welcome American business. There has been a slow drain of American jobs to China for decades because we as Americans don’t demand that corporations behave differently. We just gladly accept lower quality and lower prices no matter what the national cost. Seriously! People want their Laissez-faire capitalism but they don’t want to be held accountable when it goes wrong for them. The best fix for this is that Americans demand (buy) only American made. Not every shoe, shirt, or jean has to be made oversees. The government can’t and shouldn’t force companies back home; however, consumers can and should with their pocketbook and activism; that is if they cared enough to do so, but they don’t!