From Politico, “President Donald Trump mocked Democrats who sat in front of him Tuesday night, needling them with a grin, ‘nothing I can say or do to make them happy.’ Democrats mostly responded with silent protest — wearing pink, waving placards emblazoned with ‘FALSE’ and ‘Save Medicaid.’ More than a dozen walked out of his speech early, some revealing shirts that said ‘No Kings Live Here.’ The shambolic scene was emblematic of Democrats’ larger problem after facing a brutal election cycle that locked them out of power as they struggled to communicate in a vastly fragmented media environment. Though the official Democratic response, delivered by Michigan Sen. Elissa Slotkin, got carried on major networks, much of what Democrats had to say didn’t play out on voters’ TVs.”
To be clear from the outset, I did not watch the Dictator Don sh*t show last night because I am not interested in anything he has to say. So, everything about the Democratic “response” or “protest” is all second hand, but, as usual and as predicted, dumbass Democrats do what the do best: Be f***ing weak! I think Politico summed it up well when they described Democrats’ attempts at whatever they were trying to do as “shambolic.” It totally tracks with this pathetic party. Just f***ing weakness at every f***ing turn. Lame attempts at resistance. Inability to coordinate and mobilize. Incapable of mustering the political ruthlessness required to combat The Don! Lacking a coherent message and strategy. Lacking vigor and fervor. Not a modicum of umph. Acting with more ennui than passion. Overwhelming desire to conform to outdated and irrelevant traditions and niceties. More worried about upholding decorum than preserving America’s democracy. Petrified of rocking the boat. You name it. If a specific action is demanded to preserve America as we know it, then dumbass Democrats will most certainly do everything in their power to avoid said action. And people wonder why Democrats keep losing elections.
I warned people that if Dictator Don wins in 2024, then it would be the Democratic Party wandering in the wilderness, and I further said that it will be the Democratic Party that needs to reinvent itself. I have said this countless times, yet no one believes me. No one heeds my warnings. So, here we are with dumass Democrats flailing in mortifying fashion. Yet, dumbass Democrats refuse to change a thing about themselves. And I’m not referring to their liberal policies; I’m talking about their (in)ability to politic in the age of Dictator Don. I will close by reiterating (again!) that the demise of America will not solely be caused by RepubliKKKlans, MAGA morons, evil evangelicals, and QAnon kooks; dumbass Democrats will have an equal hand in ushering in the death of democracy! Welcome to stupid America! Just as I predicted! No one cares and no one is willing to fight to save us from ourselves. Fan-f***ing-tastic!