Leave It to Traitor [T]rump to Make Things Worse

I rely on articles and commentators to characterize and provide details of traitor trump’s address because there is no f***ing way I am going to waste my time — time that I’ll never get back — listening to that f***tard lie about everything and boast about how great he’s doing. And right on cue, I wake up to listening to Morning Joe who is giving traitor trump better marks — not perfect marks — about his address. Better marks because he’s starting to take the pandemic seriously, which, of course, he’s really not; he’s just pretending to take things more seriously. He’ll undercut — no, actually he’ll contradict — whatever seriousness he was trying to convey the next day. But these idiot pundits still think traitor trump deserves some credit. No, he doesn’t — ever! And one regular guest, Jon Meacham, had speculated that he hopes — OMG! Really, Jon? We’re still stuck on “hoping” about moron traitor trump? — that this is the moment he rises to the moment to lead and be “presidential.” A mere seconds after Mechem’s comments, Joe Scarbrough relays to the presidential historian that traitor trump had just tweeted an attack on Speaker Pelosi to which Meacham asked to retract the praise he just made about the “president.” This is precisely why I don’t listen to a single word that comes out of that moron president’s mouth because traitor trump just contradicts whatever he says the next day if not in the same sentence. Ugh! And I’m getting really, really sick of Meacham and the like still trying to give traitor trump the benefit of the doubt. Hello, f***ing morons of the highest f***ing order! Traitor trump is a f***tard who is never going to change. Why can’t people get that through their m*****f***ing G.D. thick heads? It doesn’t matter what the circumstance or crisis. Traitor trump will always put himself above the nation. Un-f***ing-believable! Every day it’s just more stupidity in Stupidsville!

Then a mistake in the address? Seriously? CNN reports, “If Trump hoped to instill confidence in the system and calm the markets with his speech, it did not work. US stock futures fell like a rock after his speech. Perhaps part of that was because Trump made a major error in the speech. The President said the restrictions would apply to ‘trade and cargo,’ but the White House later walked that back to note that the travel ban only applies to human beings.” Of course, he did because he’s a f***ing G.D. moron. CNN went on to say, “This was embarrassing, full stop. The president is responsible for the errors in his prime time address. Not his aides. Not his speech writers. Not his acting deputy secretaries…” Congratu-f***ing-lations to all the f***ing G.D. morons of America for electing this f***ing G.D. moron to lead us into further disaster. I hate American’s stupidity. It’s everywhere, particularly at the highest levels of the White House. Welcome to trump stupid America. Stupid people everywhere. Everywhere stupid people. So much f***ing stupidity! Stupid! Stupid! Stupid! Parade!