Let the Devastation Reign

Bloomberg reports, “The economic damage of U.S. tariffs on Mexican goods would tear through battleground states that President Donald Trump needs to win re-election, hurting the auto industry in Michigan and Ohio, dairy farmers in Wisconsin and grain and hog farmers in Iowa and North Carolina.” I say good! These MAGA morons and RepubliKKKlans voted for traitor trump to start an “easy to win” set of trade wars, and I say let the farmers and other industries be the first causalities — literally if necessary. I really do not care if traitor trump loses his voters because they lost faith or because they committed suicide. The end desired result is the same for me. Farmers and other hardcore MAGA morons keep saying they agree with the short-term pain caused by traitor trumps’ trade policies for the long-term gain. Considering he has absolutely no long-term strategy of any kind other than “WALL!” and “brown people,” I don’t understand why these f***tards continue to support him as he makes things worse at every turn, yet they do because this is stupid America! I say bring it!