Let the Farmers Die

From Bloomberg, “Wertish criticized Trump’s ‘go-it-alone approach’ and the trade dispute’s ‘devastating damage not only to rural communities.’ He expressed fears Trump’s $28 billion in trade aid will undermine public support for federal farm subsidies, saying the assistance is already being pilloried ‘as a welfare program, as bailouts.’ Others joined in. Brian Thalmann, president of the Minnesota Corn Growers Association, complained about Trump statements that farmers are doing ‘great’ again. ‘We are not starting to do great again,’ he said. ‘We are starting to go down very quickly.’”

I say good! They deserve to suffer and go ruined as far as I’m concerned. Elections have consequences, f***tards. Since farmers are a stronghold of traitor trump’s RepubliKKKlan and MAGA morons, I say let them die. Seriously!!! Let them! These are the “pull yourself up by your bootstrap” types. These moron rural types are always preaching self-reliance, get government out of their lives, so let it all happen. No f***ing welfare for them. I don’t want any of my tax dollars going to any m*****f****ing G.D. RepubliKKKlan or MAGA moron farmer. If they voted for traitor trump then they get exactly what they deserve — a disastrous trade policy enacted by a moron president. They should have had contingency plans: sell the farm, deliver pizzas, or put a bullet through their head.

I have no f***ing clue what part of a businessman who has filed for bankruptcy several times indicated to farmers that traitor trump had any clue about how to run a business let alone the entire federal government, but then again this is trump stupid America! He says he’s a “billionaire” yet fears to release his tax returns. How do these f***ing G.D. idiots of the highest order believe him? Nonetheless, these f***tards apparently think that’s not at all suspicious or that he’s not trying to hide something — like his f***ing success as a businessman. Un-f***ing-believable. Seriously! I don’t want any of these farmers surviving to vote for traitor trump again. So, I say again: let the RepubliKKKlan and MAGA moron farmers die! They should not be saved whatsoever. Others in the country should not be allowed to suffer while they get government handouts! Period! Full stop! Welcome to stupid America!