Evil Evangelicals MAGA Morons Purely Moronic RepubliKKKlans

Let the MAGA Moron Rallies Continue

According to AFP, “US President Donald Trump signaled Saturday that he has no intention of halting campaign rallies despite surging coronavirus infections, as a case was confirmed for the first time within miles of the White House.” Good! I say let them continue! Let the MAGA morons, republiKKKlans, evil Evangelicals f***tards come together and spread COVID-19 to each other. Then I hope they die! Welcome to stupid America!

Then there is this from Daily Kos:

REPORTER: You don’t believe coronavirus exists?

WOMAN: I don’t.

REPORTER: So the two people who have been reported to have died from it in Washington state you don’t trust that that’s true?

WOMAN: I don’t trust anything the democrats do or say.

Oh, yeah. This level of stupidity should be immediately shot in the head before they kill us all! Don’t think for one f***ing second that this MAGA moron woman is an outlier; she is the mean representation of all MAGA morons, RepubliKKKlans, and evil Evangelicals. These people are all this stupid and delusional. Such idiocracy must be killed immediately! They are a danger to society! Just to be clear it is not Democrats reporting deaths; it’s traitor trump’s government. I f***ing hate this country because all these morons are allowed to walk, breathe, and live! God-f***ing-d*mmit! So much f***ing stupidity. It’s f***ing everywhere. These f***ing MAGA morons are f***ing everywhere like cockroaches and cancer. They should be eliminated by whatever means! Welcome to trump stupid America!