Let the MAGA Moron Rallies Continue

According to AFP, “US President Donald Trump signaled Saturday that he has no intention of halting campaign rallies despite surging coronavirus infections, as a case was confirmed for the first time within miles of the White House.” Good! I say let them continue! Let the MAGA morons, republiKKKlans, evil Evangelicals f***tards come together and spread COVID-19 to each other. Then I hope they die! Welcome to stupid America!

Then there is this from Daily Kos:

REPORTER: You don’t believe coronavirus exists?

WOMAN: I don’t.

REPORTER: So the two people who have been reported to have died from it in Washington state you don’t trust that that’s true?

WOMAN: I don’t trust anything the democrats do or say.

Oh, yeah. This level of stupidity should be immediately shot in the head before they kill us all! Don’t think for one f***ing second that this MAGA moron woman is an outlier; she is the mean representation of all MAGA morons, RepubliKKKlans, and evil Evangelicals. These people are all this stupid and delusional. Such idiocracy must be killed immediately! They are a danger to society! Just to be clear it is not Democrats reporting deaths; it’s traitor trump’s government. I f***ing hate this country because all these morons are allowed to walk, breathe, and live! God-f***ing-d*mmit! So much f***ing stupidity. It’s f***ing everywhere. These f***ing MAGA morons are f***ing everywhere like cockroaches and cancer. They should be eliminated by whatever means! Welcome to trump stupid America!