Let Wisconsinites Die

The Associated Press reports, “The 4-3 ruling essentially reopens the state, lifting caps on the size of gatherings, allowing people to travel as they please and allowing shuttered businesses to reopen, including bars and restaurants. The Tavern League of Wisconsin swiftly posted the news on its website, telling members, ‘You can OPEN IMMEDIATELY!’ The decision let stand language that had closed schools, however, and local governments can still impose their own health restrictions.” Of course, this politically motivated judicial opinion is itself a contradiction! So, the governor can’t impose statewide health restrictions because of freedom! And tyranny! But counties can because not freedom and not tyranny. Whatever! I give up! It’s always when a Democrat does something that it — whatever it may be — is unconstitutional, anti-freedom, tyrannical, communist, anti-religion, or anti-gun. People get the government they deserve and apparently Wisconsinites want freedom and stupidity, so let them die for it! I pray they do! Let businesses open up today and let the healthcare system become overwhelmed with SARS 2 patients. If I’ve said it once then I’ve said it a thousand times: not enough people have died in this pandemic. Maybe at some point when enough have died people will start to believe. Who the f*** am I kidding? Morons will never believe because this is trump stupid America.