LGBTQ Equality Act — Fool’s Gold

From The Daily Beast, “Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) spoke for five minutes in Congress on Wednesday against the Equality Act, which would prohibit discrimination against LGBTQ people under federal law. Greene said there should be no discrimination against anyone in America but opined that the historic bill was ‘too much,’ that it put ‘trans rights above women’s rights,’ and then quoted Genesis to insist that ‘God created us male and female.’ Next, Greene tried to get Congress to adjourn, before what is expected to be a vote Thursday. The move failed, but she was supported by her Republican colleagues—revealing either their lionization of her or their attitudes to LGBTQ equality, or perhaps both.” And the headline reads, “Its Sponsors are ‘Optimistic’ for Senate Victory.”

Don’t be fooled, morons. First, of course, the bill’s sponsors are “optimistic,” idiots! What? Are they going to say this thing has no chance? Really? What a throw-away line to say and for reporters to print. Second, what part of traitor trump’s election to the presidency — yes, he lost in 2020, but with 10 million more voters wanting more of that — indicates…? What part of the rise of QAnon to the mainstream indicates…? What part of RepubliKKKlans maintaining and even gaining power at the state level indicates…? And what part of the rise of all hate crimes during traitor trump’s administration indicates that America has become enlightened enough to be willing to pass federal legislation to protect America’s LGBTQ community from being bigots’ second-favorite — behind Blacks — punching bag for just about everything that goes wrong in America, from hurricanes to traitor trump’s election loss? Tell me, please. How has America evolved? Yes, there are more LGBTQ members in all parts of the government at local, state, and federal levels. Yes, yes! This is true, but how many times must I reminder f***tards that this country is structured so that a political minority — RepubliKKKlans — rule and dictate over the will of the majority — everyone else who is not a RepubliKKKlan.

Last, that see you next Tuesday and transgender-looking-herself bigot MTG already invoked the one thing that will surely give cover to Senators to kill the bill: God! (Seriously, as an aside, has MTG looked in the mirror lately? She has many manly features about her. So, I wonder. Is she transgender? Could be! Why is she so sensitive about transgender issues? Let’s see what is — or was — between her legs!) Ugh! Just another daily reason why I hate this country so much. God! God! God! F*** me! God and the Bible have no place in politics, let alone as a standard to deny inalienable rights to others. F***! I hate the stupidity of people. We should all be humanists, not some radical morons running around spewing hate and nonsense from an ancient book that is nothing more than a thousands-of-years-old game of telephone. OMG! That’s all it is, morons. But whatever! I digress. Stupid is as stupid does and stupid America does a lot of stupid! Sixty votes — ten RepubliKKKlans — to pass this legislation? Not going to happen. Mark my words, morons! Welcome to stupid America. Not done yet!