
Life Under Dictator Don: The People’s Mandate

I am going to start a short-run series of posts that focuses on what life will be like under Dictator Don. Allow me to begin with the people’s mandate. Oh, yes, I said it, and I mean it. His victory is absolutely nothing short of a mandate (although it is a mirage), and there is no other way to interrupt the win. Dumbass Democrats were absolutely slaughtered across the country, save a few bright spots here and there, but as a national contest, they lost control of the Senate by what will probably be a 3-seat margin, wipping out the need to rely on recalcitrant RepubliKKKlan voters like Collins and Murkowski. The jury is still out on the House, but I doubt Democrats will take back control. Even a slim RepubliKKKlan majority in the House is more than enough to keep them in line, knowing they own the White House and the Senate. Every RepubliKKKlan will follow their marching orders to the T. Mark my words. Unlike in Dictator Don’s first term, Congressmen, Senators, executive officers, et al. will be singing from the same songbook. There will be no dissenters, no independent thinkers, or any people with a conscience in the RepubliKKKlan Party to push back. Those days are over. Thus, Dictator Don will run the country with complete control of Congress! Imagine that! (Don’t worry. I will imagine the worst for you since, apparently, morons of America failed to conjure up their worst fears before electing the Don to office.)

A word about the raw numbers behind his mandate. At the time of this writing, it appears that when all the 2024 numbers are tallied, Dictator Don will best his 2020 popular vote by a few hundred thousand, but using the numbers currently reported by Wikipedia, he received just over 50 percent of the total vote, his best showing ever. However, compared to the voting-eligible population in 2024 (~245.7 million people), he garnered approximately 29.9 percent. By comparison, in previous elections, Dictator Don received 27.3 percent in 2016 and 30.1 percent in 2020 of the voter-eligible population. In short, he has never received more than a third of the vote from all those who could vote. To put it more succinctly, the smallest minority will be ruling over the vast majority because Americans are simply too f***ing stupid to care. To be sure, there are, no doubt, tens and tens of millions of people (non-voter eligible and eligible voters alike) who fully support Dictator Don but didn’t or couldn’t make their voices heard via the ballot box. Do these “unheard” voices mirror the actual vote, or are they indeed the silent majority who protest against Dictator Don? If it is the latter, then there may be some hope for America. If it is the former, then God help us!

Of course, dumbass Democrats are more to blame than anything because according to the exit polls and the election results, Dictator Don improved upon his 2020 numbers across the board — with most demographics in 49 states, including D.C. Yet, as I just stated, he improved his margins significantly with barely breaking his popular vote total from 2020. In other words, he improved his numerator but the denominator remained the same. How can this be? Well, I’ll tell you. Dumbass Democrats failed to show up to vote. Full stop! Thus, Americans handed him a mandate by defaulting to doing nothing. How quintessentially American! And therein lies the rub: He has a mandate that is no mandate at all. But I promise you that’s not how he’ll interpret his win. Oh, well.

To be sure, Dictator Don will be unchained, knowing that he has (rightly) a mandate from the rabble! That means he’ll be uninhibited in thought and action — as if he could be any more unconstrained, but he’ll find a way. Unwittingly or not, Americans have given him a blank check and the confidence to do whatever he wants. (Remember, his first term was just practice with a JV team; his second term will be professional ball, so to speak.) I can hear it now when anyone questions his actions or methods — “The people gave me a mandate!” And guess what? He’d be right, absolutely f***ing right, because I live in the dumbest country on the planet! It would be an understatement of galactic proportions for me to say that morons of America have no idea just how much power they’ve given him, RepubliKKKlans, MAGA morons, evil evangelicals, and QAnon kooks. So, that’s the starting point: A dictator completely without a conscience who can do whatever he wants with the blessing of We the People. Fan-f***ing-tastic! Only in stupid, stupid America! I’m counting down to the end.