Lock the Doors!

From a BBC headline, “Brexit: MPs reject Theresa May’s deal for a second time.” I’m actually hoping for a hard Brexit because nobody ever seems to learn the lesson that elections have consequences (domestically or internationally). The idiots of Great Britain somehow thought that withdrawing from the second largest economic block (the European Union) in the world after 45 years was a good idea or going to be easy. Even then Great Britain still had some special privileges within the EU, for example keeping the British Pound as its currency. So, the crazy racist and xenophobic right of Great Britain hijacked the Brexit narrative to get the win they wanted, and the government is sticking to it despite recent opinion polls indicating people would rather remain. After two years of a chaotic process that has ultimately lead to only more uncertainty, Britons are having second thoughts, but the government persists with carrying out the will of the people that is two years old on a critically important subject. I guess they should have thought harder on the consequences of their vote beforehand.