Look Here, Morons!

According to CNN, “House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy said he will not cooperate with a request from the House select committee investigating the January 6 riot, hours after the panel asked the California Republican to voluntarily provide information, including details about former President Donald Trump’s state of mind during the Capitol attack and in the weeks after.” Look here, morons! No principal player, observer, or enabler of the insurrection is going to cooperate with the committee, as I have said many times. While quixotic dumbass Democrats, MSM commentators, and other progressive political pundits proclaim the select committee is making progress and starting to get aggressive, I say no! No they are not! It’s already too late, f***tards. Traitor trump has fully subsumed the RepubliKKKlan Party into his grander MAGA moron cult movement so that no person of importance is going to crack. Traitor trump has demanded RepubliKKKlans hold firm with the Big Lie and obstruction, and that is exactly what they are doing and will continue to do. They are standing firm and giving the committee and the country the middle finger — proudly. The one thing RepubliKKKlans have plenty of is time to do nothing, and they are using it effectively. The one thing dumbass Democrats have plenty of is cowardice. These targeted House members who received “letters” “asking” for voluntary testimony and cooperation are coming off as strong while standing up to the Left. RepubliKKKlans only gain popularity with their base when they obstruct. On the other hand, the Democratic base and Independents aren’t paying attention. They don’t care, of course! The committee members are left standing their saying words of admonishment, but ultimately having nothing more than their dicks in hand.

Unfortunately, the committee will do nothing in response. They are never going to subpoena a sitting member of the House, and the DOJ is worthless to do anything even if the committee referred House members for defying a Congressional subpoena. The courts will also do nothing. SCOTUS will defer to traitor trump and RepubliKKKlans as the justices find some magical House or presidential privilege to protect, thereby allowing members of Congress to serve while subverting the rule of law and the Constitution. They’ve been sitting on the House request to expedite the legal case to get Trump’s documents for weeks now, so it’s pretty clear that SCOTUS (the conservative wing) wants to run out the clock, too. We are really at the end of the road here already. And all this noise about the committee having interviewed hundreds of people and collected thousands of documents is going to be all rather meaningless. The committee may very well have gathered enough information to produce a very convincing report about what happened on January 6, 2021, but in the end, there will be a huge hole in the theory of the case. No one new will be convinced or swayed. RepubliKKKlans and MAGA morons will still embrace the Big Lie; Democrats and Independents will shrug their shoulders. There will not be a smoking gun, for all RepubliKKKlans need to do is keep their mouths shut, and they will win. Mark my words, morons. The committee is just a bunch of smoke and mirrors trying to hide their fecklessness, not because they are incompetent but because they simply do not have the power and never did. This entire matter really should be in the hands of the DOJ. That, too, is a pipe dream. Our democracy is done, f***tards. I hate to break the news, but it is. When Democrats lose the House and possibly the Senate, then America is done for good. RepubliKKKlans are going to win just by obstructing. Democrats all too often let them. And, of course, no one cares! Oh, well. I guess people will still have Facebook, Twitter, and TikTok. Welcome to stupid America!