MAGA Moron Snowflake Whines About His Sh*tty Life on Facebook While Terrorizing the Capitol

Attribution: Social Media via Reuters

This is a face I’ll never be able to unsee! According to NBC News, “[Floyd Ray] Roseberry repeatedly complained about how health insurance didn’t cover his or his wife’s illness, quickly followed by complaints about immigrants. He claimed his wife had cancer and her insurance wouldn’t cover her surgery, and that he’s still paying for the procedure. In the next sentence, he falsely complained that immigrants received health care.” Blah, blah, blah. Oh, then apparently, he has some mental health issues (aka meth head), and his mother died. Boo-f***ing-hoo. Join the club! Get over it, a**hole! Parents die! So, weak! Listening to this guy’s Southern drawl just amplifies his stupidity and ridiculousness. And, of course, he is a middle-aged white trash MAGA moron raging about how his life is unfair. It is the same ole, same ole “Woe is me!” self-pity grievance party with all these guys. They are all the same — the same MAGA moron snowflakes that cannot handle life. Their sh*tty lives are always someone else’s fault. For a cohort of society’s “conservatives” who constantly bemoan how people refuse to pull themselves up by their bootstraps, they sure are the first ones to complain and demonstrate how lazy they are not to do what they preach. It is all hypocrisy all the time. But it’s not enough to just b*tch; they have to terrorize everyone else around them.

Moreover, he’s a loser who eventually surrendered, so he failed to even follow through with his own threats and ultimatums. In the words of traitor trump, what a loser! Of course, with janky teeth and a mug that Medusa would envy, I’m surprised he didn’t take his Second Amendment right, stick it in his mouth, and pull the m*****f***ing trigger! He said he was ready to die for his cause. I’m waiting…! Just another day in trump stupid America. Yee-haw, y’all!