MAGA Morons in All Shapes and Sizes

Have I mentioned lately that MAGA morons are really, really stupid people? Even if they support AOC, they are still f***ing G.D. idiots. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez posted this quote from a traitor trump supporter on her Twitter account, which proves my point precisely: “I’ve been saying for years that climate change is our most important crisis. You’re one of the only ones who’s been willing to be decisive on it. I like you. I can tell that you are genuine and fighting for us. You’re real and you get it.” I just love trying to dissect the inherent “logical” inconsistencies of traitor trump supporters’ arguments. So, if I understand this moron correctly, he willingly acknowledges climate change is “our most important crisis.” Keywords being most and crisis. What was (and still is) traitor trump’s belief on climate change while running for president? That is to say, what was his official position on the subject before someone who thinks it is a most important crisis voted for him anyway? Well, first, he claimed it was a Chinese hoax. Then he backed off the hoax idea (has he really backed off any hoax/conspiracy theory ideas?), yet traitor trump is still not sure if climate change is man-made or not, saying, “‘I think something’s happening. Something’s changing and it will change back again.’” In short, traitor trump takes a wait-and-see attitude toward this most important crisis, and this MAGA moron/AOC fan still voted for traitor trump. To be sure, this idiot voted for a climate change denier! I mean, one cannot make this Scheiße up. This is a full-on demonstration of stupid people being allowed to vote, and we wonder why things are so f***ed up. Seriously!

Then there is the rest of this person’s comment, specifically the part about AOC being “genuine and fighting for us.” Again, it begs the question, Did MAGA moron voters witness the same presidential campaign as did every other Hillary voter? The inference is that this MAGA moron sees the same genuineness and “fighting for us” attitude in traitor trump as in AOC. I have no idea where to begin to reconcile this level of cognitive dissonance. I guess I’ll start with the obvious question. At what point does a person who campaigns on the following seem like a man of and for the people? Traitor trump brags about not paying taxes, which means the little guy has to pick up the shortfall. He brags about stiffing contractors, which means he screws the small businessman. He brags about how smart he is to use bankruptcy several times to solve his business problems (because he’s an idiot), which means he’s screwed over many people (contractors, investors, creditors) many times because they eat the loss and no doubt those losses are always covered at some point by the lowest level of the food chain: us! He claims to be charitable but really never gives. He created a fake university to scam the average person into believing they could be the next real estate mogul. He was born with a silver spoon in his mouth and has never worked a real job in his life. Does any of this sound like a person who understands “us”? Un-f***ing-believable. Yet, MAGA morons and apparently at least one AOC supporter believes traitor trump is for them. Welcome to stupid America! It’s just as dumb as one imagined it would be.