
Making the Democratic Party Illegal

According to NBC News, “A Republican in Florida’s Legislature has filed a bill that, if enacted, would eliminate the Florida Democratic Party. ‘The Ultimate Cancel Act,’ filed Tuesday by state Sen. Blaise Ingoglia, would require the state’s Division of Elections to ‘immediately cancel’ the filings of any political party whose platform had ‘previously advocated for, or been in support of, slavery or involuntary servitude.’ The bill, called SB 1248, would require Florida officials to notify all registered voters who belong to any canceled parties that their parties no longer exist. It would also change their voter registrations to ‘no party affiliation’ and ‘provide procedures’ for those voters to update their affiliations to ‘an active political party.’ The bill would allow any canceled political parties to re-register with the Florida State Department — but only under the condition that the party change its name to something ‘substantially different from the name of any other party previously registered’ with the agency.”

Do you know who else made every other political party illegal? Nazis! But whatever. I live in stupid hell. It is doubtful that this bill — when passed — would hold up to constitutional muster, but then again, with the current makeup of SCOTUS, who knows what will happen. These uber-conservative theocrats on SCOTUS have been inclined to let states roll back voting rights, so eliminating one of two political parties is not so far afield. But speculating on the constitutionality of SB 1248 is hardly the point. The point is the RepubliKKKlan mindset. This is where all RepubliKKKlans are headed. As with anti-gay bills passing in states, now the target is the Democratic Party itself. And, naturally, dumbass Democrats seem o be oblivious to the threat and operating on old norms and traditions. They confuse the absurdity of these bills with performative politics and owning the libs, but I say when a party shows you who they are, then believe them. Yet, dumbass Democrats refuse to see. They are blind, stupid, and weak. Democrats think that as long as they can hold back the RepubliKKKlan Party from pursuing a wholesale rebellion, then they have saved the day and America. That is the wrong approach! RepubliKKKlans are engaging in a far more insidious course — killing democracy by a thousand cuts. But this is stupid America, where people are too busy on TikTok to care about saving democracy, let alone America. Oh, well.

This is the way the world ends, not with a bang but a whimper.

T. S. Eliot, The Hollow Men, 1925