

I see the liberal MSM failing all over themselves with these legal scholars claiming traitor trump is “barred” from running for president because of the 14th Amendment. While an interesting legal theory, at the moment, it’s just that — a theory. And, I contend, will never be more than that — a theory. CNN reports, “Prominent conservative legal scholars are increasingly raising a constitutional argument that 2024 Republican candidate Donald Trump should be barred from the presidency because of his actions to overturn the previous presidential election result. The latest salvo came Saturday in The Atlantic magazine, from liberal law professor Laurence Tribe and J. Michael Luttig, the former federal appellate judge and prominent conservative, who argue the 14th Amendment disqualifies the former president from returning to the Oval Office. ‘The people who wrote the 14th Amendment were not fools. They realized that if those people who tried to overturn the country, who tried to get rid of our peaceful transitions of power are again put in power, that would be the end of the nation, the end of democracy,’ Tribe told CNN’s Kasie Hunt on ‘State of the Union’ on Sunday. Luttig, who’s become a strong critic of Trump’s actions after the election, called for officials to look carefully at his qualifications for being on the ballot. ‘All officials, federal and state, who have a responsibility to put on the ballot candidates for the presidency of the United States are obligated under the Constitution to determine whether Donald Trump qualifies to be put on the ballot,’ Luttig said.”

Ain’t none of this sh*t is going to happen. All this is mere liberal wet-dreaming and mental maturation because I live in stupid f***ing hell. Of course, the liberal MSM breathlessly seize on this impossible and far-fetched notion of barring traitor trump from running for office. Once again, dumbass Democrats and other liberals waste their time and energy dreaming about something that will never happen instead of getting down in the mud and fighting dirty with the enemy. This is why we can’t win because dumbass Democrats famously bring a knife (i.e., legal notions of Amendment mumbo-jumbo maneuvering) to a RepubliKKKlan gunfight (i.e., striking at the amygdala of voters). You tell me what wins out: Ginning up voters’ passions through intellectual gymnastics or fear and loathing of the “other,” which turns out to be everyone who is not a conservative?

Moreover, all these scholars seem to neglect the most critical question they should ask before doing their legal analysis: WWSD? What would SCOTUS do? In short, would the six uber-conservative hard-right justices bar traitor trump from appearing on the ballot? Short answer: Not a snowball’s chance in hell, or, in other words, hell-f***ing-no! There is no f***ing way they will condone any secretary of state leaving traitor trump’s name off the ballot — convicted or not. Recall, no one — including Jack Smith — has charged traitor trump with any sedition charges because, of course, everyone — including Jack Smith — fears such a politically charged accusation, which is why America can never win, and our democracy is already gone. So, no! SCOTUS will never do the right thing. They will claim that barring traitor trump from running should have been resolved through impeachment because impeachment is really the only constitutionally permissible means to block someone from holding federal office. And we all know that will never happen, for, as I have been saying for years, RepubliKKKlans, MAGA morons, evil evangelicals, and QAnon kooks love their criminal candidate. How else does traitor trump go up in the polls with every new indictment? They love it! They love him! Traitor trump ain’t going nowhere, especially to jail. Thus, all this talk about the 14th Amendment is just mental masturbation without any climax. Welcome to stupid America! All stupid, all the time!