
Maybe It’s Just Time

Jews, Christians, Muslims. It doesn’t matter. Humanity has proved that these religions simply can’t co-exist, especially Islam, which just doesn’t want to co-exist with everyone else. (Call me biased; I don’t care. I despise all religions equally, but I will lay out my reasoning as to why Islam is particularly awful.) Jews simply want to be left alone; you don’t see Jews proselytizing or seeking converts. Christians seek converts most through peace and love nowadays, but that wasn’t always the case throughout its history. Thousands of years have tempered Christianity for the most part. Islam, on the other hand, seeks converts; otherwise, it puts non-believers to the sword (so to speak) or purges them from society. And I am talking about how these religions are practiced, not what their spiritual texts actually say, for practice and scripture are often wildly disparate. Perhaps this is a function of a religion’s maturity. No doubt, Christianity went through its domination phase of convert or die. Look to the Crusades, the Inquisition, and conquering the Americas as examples.

But let’s face reality, shall we? What religion is behind every terrorist attack in this century? Islam. Not Christianity and not Judaism. Only Islam. Only Muslims fly planes into buildings, only Muslims behead infidels, only Muslims kill innocents using suicide bombers, only Muslims engage in terrorist attacks such as those in Israel and other countries, and the list continues. It is only Muslims. Should I judge an entire religion based on the actions of fundamentalist extremists? Hell-f***ing-yes! Of course! It is the religion that endorses and condones such actions; they cherry-pick the passages of their religious text that best suit their needs. Again, Christians do the same, but as I said, Christianity has matured (for the most part), so such extreme tactics have fallen out of favor (for the most part). Look, Muslims need to clean their own religious house. Unless and until that happens, I am more than content to judge the religion and its followers by the worst deeds of their practitioners. Maybe it’s just time for the rest of the world to have it out with Muslims, for peace and prosperity cannot happen with such an extremist strain of Islam bringing death and destruction to all corners of the planet. I originally had predicted that the war in the Middle East would stay confined to Israel and the Gaza Strip, but now I think the war must necessarily spread. Something has to give, and moderate Muslims seem unwilling to acknowledge these rogue religious fanatic factions are creating worldwide havoc, much less able to check their own adherents’ extremism. It is time to solve this Islamic question once and for all.