Mazars USA: CYA

From CNN, “On Monday, Donald Trump’s long-time accountants made a very important announcement: They no longer stood behind a decade of the former President’s financial information — and would no longer be working for him. Why is this such a big deal? Well, the language from Mazars, the accounting firm, masks it a bit, so let me translate: What they are saying is that neither Trump nor anyone who interacts with him should rely on their assessments of his relative financial health over the past decade.”

Look, morons! While this is bad news for traitor trump, it is not going to be his undoing. I will repeat myself again (again): No court in the land is going to convict a former president. It! Is! Never! Going! To! Happen! So, for all these dumbass Democrats who keep pointing to yet another shoe to drop as being the one that will put traitor trump in jail, keep dreaming. Traitor trump is untouchable, morons. How many lawsuits has he thwarted? How many investigations ended in a nothing burger? How many times has traitor trump been on the ropes only to survive and come back stronger? How many instances? How many years? He always comes out on top. The only person who can put traitor trump away is AG Garland, and he’s proving to be the worst AG ever! I don’t like it any more than you guys do, but it’s the truth.

And all Mazars is doing is covering their liability-exposed asses. They’ve been working with the Trump Organization for decades and they’ve always known traitor trump was a liar and a con, yet they never seemed uncomfortable with signing off on his financials. Now, all of a sudden, all the work they’ve been doing for him over the last ten years they’re unsure about? Whatever! I guess if Mazars wanted to advertise as being the unscrupulous accounting firm that launders the financials of corrupt, sleazy organizations, then they hit the jackpot. Welcome to stupid America! For every business, there is a client and for every client, there is a business. Yup!