
McConnell’s Health Spells Danger for America

First, who cares? Second, who cares? And third, who the f*** cares? Do I really care about the health of a RepubliKKKlan? Hell f***ing no. In fact, I wish they would all drop dead. And it drives me absolutely f***ing crazy to no end when Democrats express sympathy over that turtle f***tard. He is an enemy of the people, so f*** him and f*** his health. That being said, I will give this warning nonetheless: His declining health and subsequent weakening grip on his position as Minority Leader should concern everyone because, for all of McConnell’s machinations to weaken America’s democracy, he’s an institutionalist and believes in the filibuster. Once he’s out of leadership, then the Senate will become the Wild, Wild West a la the House. I promise you that whoever replaces him will nix the filibuster, which I am for, but Democrats should have done it first — yet they never will because dumbass Democrats are f***ing weak and pathetic at playing political hardball. I’ve long predicted that the next time RepubliKKKlans gain control of the White House, the House, and the Senate, the first thing they’ll do is end the filibuster by order of traitor trump so he can undo everything Democrats have accomplished since Obama, if not before, and that would be 100 percent more likely with McConnell out of the way. Killing the filibuster is kind of a winner-take-all proposition, and whichever party gets to it first wins and likely remains in control. And we all know RepubliKKKlans are already heavily favored (biased) to win the House and the Senate in any given election year; indeed, Democrats in control of either chamber of Congress is the exception, not the rule.

Naturally, f***tard Americans are too stupid to imagine a filibuster-less scenario, let alone apprehend the consequences of it, which is nothing short of hastening the end of America. Think of RepubliKKKlans ending the ACA, enshrining a national six-week abortion ban, legalizing constitutional carry nationwide, and legalizing LGBTQ discrimination, just to name a few topics off the top of my head. Sadly, this country could not be in a worse possible position where even necessary and reluctant frenemies (McConnell) are about to be pushed aside in favor of MAGA moron bat-sh*t-crazy extremists who are slowly but surely making their way into every corner of power in the RepubliKKKlan Party as they sweep away the old guard of rational RepubliKKKlans, who are now relics of a by-gone era when conservatives put the country first over their political party. The new wackos want to destroy the institution, and McConnell will have been the last bastion to protect the Senate from the ramble on the right. But whatever. As I’ve been saying for a few months now, the end is already here, a slight revision of my usual “the end is coming.” At this point, I’m kinda at the popcorn stage of grief. I may as well enjoy the show, knowing at some point I’ll have to put down the bucket of butter-soaked goodness to pick up arms to fight in the forthcoming civil war. I know, I know. Such talk is considered by many to be over the top and ridiculous, but it’s not me being ridiculous; it’s MAGA morons, RepubliKKKlans, evil evangelicals, and QAnon kooks who are nonsensical. I know we want to all get along, but a nation this divided — driven in part by nutso f***tards — cannot endure. Welcome to stupid America!