Meaningless! Absolutely Meaningless!

From The Hill, “Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden (D) was endorsed Thursday by a group representing almost 100 former Republican lawmakers and officials who have joined an effort to defeat President Trump in November. … The Republican group, which was first reported by Reuters, also includes a handful of former governors including former Michigan Gov. Rick Snyder (R) and former Massachusetts Gov. Bill Weld (R), who launched a bid for the GOP nomination earlier this year and previously served as the Libertarian Party’s vice presidential nominee in 2016.” Oh, my f***ing God! No one cares, least of all other RepubliKKKlans, MAGA morons, and Democrats! This is all a meaningless gesture by RepubliKKKlans who are now instantly considered RINOs by their own party. It doesn’t matter! RINOs, Never Trumpers, former RepubliKKKlans! None of it. They are changing no minds, and this splendid idea that Biden is a unifier because he is attracting people from “across the political aisle” is meaningless in today’s political climate. Take no comfort in these endorsements. Unless and until the Democratic Party realizes that the RepubliKKKlan Party, trumpism, and all of its variations and supporters must be utterly destroyed then we will never win. The time for unifying is over. We must annihilate! Annihilate! Annihilate! Annihilate!