
Michael Steele

First, I will never understand why this guy is still a RepubliKKKlan. But I write today because he literally provoked me out of bed this morning because he’s the only one who regularly speaks truth to power or intelligence to idiots. So, what was he saying this morning on Morning Joe that got me out of bed? He blamed RepubliKKKlan voters for the current state of the House chaos. Bingo! I’ve been saying it for years, but he said it just as frankly as I write it, and he’s the only MSM pundit who understands the true cause and nature of RepubliKKKlan politics, more so than these other idiot MSM “political analysts.” Steele is trenchant enough to understand the simple and plain truth of politics: It’s the voters, stupid! Specifically, he blames the voters for the RepubliKKKlans in Congress. Despite all the craziness with RepubliKKKlan politicians before they took the House majority, voters keep electing and re-electing them to office. Then people wonder why voters should have expected something different even though RepubliKKKlans campaigned on inflicting revenge and mismanagement of government once they get into government. I’m paraphrasing, but the gist is accurate enough.

How many times and how often do I say this? How often? Near daily! Steele basically said in so many words that people get the government they deserve, which is a breath of fresh air because all the other political pundits on MSM seem to approach the consequences of elections from the point of view that voters were sold a bill of goods, or, in other words, this is not what voters want. What f***ing B.S. Of course, it’s what they want! They just f***ing voted. What did they expect? It’s not like RepubliKKKlans hide their intentions. Steele echoed everything I’ve been saying. At least one person gets it! Welcome to stupid America!