
Missouri Requires Burqas for House Reps.

According to The Hill, “The Missouri House of Representatives proposed a bill Wednesday that would restrict women’s dress code in the state’s House, but would not tighten the dress code for men, eventually passing a version of the bill calling for women to cover their arms. … Missouri state Rep. Raychel Proudie (D) called the motion ‘ridiculous’ while speaking on the House floor, adding, ‘We are fighting — again — on a woman’s right to choose something and this time is how she covers herself,’ according to Heartland Signal. … Other Democrats weighed in on Twitter: ‘The caucus that lost their minds over the suggestion that they should wear masks during a pandemic … is now spending its time focusing on the fine details of what women have to wear (specifically how to cover their arms) to show respect here,’ state Rep. Peter Meredith tweeted.”

This is all RepubliKKKlans’ doing. This is a supermajority RepubliKKKlan male-dominated legislature forcing women to cover their arms. Next will be burqas, and then, presumably, voting women out of serving in the legislature altogether. Yet, Democrats are accused of wanting to bring Sharia Law to America, while RepubliKKKlans actually codify tenants of it. And calling out the hypocrisy of RepubliKKKlans is pointless at this point, for they relish the accusations. But what else would you expect from a state that bans all abortions? Yet! Yet, RepubliKKKlans keep getting re-elected in this state. I don’t know what more to say except that this is what people want. This is what voters want. They want men to put women — women voters who voted for these men included — in their place. Oh, well! People get the government they deserve and desire. Welcome to stupid America!