More American Weakness

Oh my f***ing God! Enough televising every f***ing G.D. SARS 2 vaccination shot and every f***ing truckload departing the manufacture. Jesus-f***ing-Christ-on-the-f***ing-Cross. For the last several days the MSM has been tripping all over themselves to show the first person at this or that hospital getting the shot or watch everybody! as this semi-truck pulls away from the loading dock going somewhere! Then there is the emotion of it all. God! There is nothing more annoying than the MSM making a mountain out of a molehill. If I have to hear one more moron anchor ask someone how does it feel to get the shot or what did the shot feels like, then I’m going to f***ing scream! F*** me! I’m not watching the news to hear about people’s feelings. Newspeople should not be asking, nor should they be asking other moronic questions live on camera — Is the vaccine at -70 degrees when you inject it? Are you f***ing kidding me?!?! I can’t! I just f***ing can’t with the stupid anymore. What a trump stupid thing to ask! Hello, stupid people of America, especially those on live television who are supposed to represent at least a modicum of intelligence. No! The shot is not -70 degrees (Celcius) when injected into the arm for a whole host of logical reasons least of which is the vaccine would be frozen solid and cannot be drawn into the syringe at that temperature. It has to thaw you f***ing moron! OMG! Whatever! The stupid never ends. It’s TV personalities asking questions just to be saying crap, never mind thinking first.

Nonetheless, it has been one news show after another gushing over how the last shot was the most momentous achievement in all of f***ing human history — that actually happened once already in the U.K. OMG! I can’t. Enough with overdramatizing the issue. Yes, it is a significant achievement and it is the beginning of the end so we can return to normal, but that does not mean you need to have every first doctor or first nurse or first veteran or first senior citizen at each new location come on to describe how getting the SARS 2 vaccine feels like any other shot for any other insignificant purpose. This is why people hate the MSM. This is why I generally hate the MSM because those of us who just want facts and analysis presented in a cold, emotionless manner have to be subjected to the overly emotional and hypersensitivities of anchors and guests. God! Basta! Welcome to stupid America where emotions rule over rationality. This is why we got traitor trump because people still spend too much time feeling everything instead of thinking critically, and the MSM plays right into the emotional animal. And it sells!