
More from the Nazi State of Israel!

According to DW, “Israel’s parliament, the Knesset, on Thursday passed legislation that would significantly limit the conditions under which Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu could be deemed unfit to govern. The law — the first of several set to overhaul the judiciary — is believed to be intended to stop the Supreme Court or the Attorney General’s Office from influencing possible impeachment. The legislation stipulates that a three-quarters majority in parliament or the Cabinet would be needed to remove a prime minister from office — and only for psychological or other health reasons … The terms of the new law — which could still face a legal challenge — preclude this, instead providing the government with guidance about what to do in the event of a non-functioning prime minister [emphasis added].”

Of course, this last sentence is rather rich because the ultimate intention of the remaining bills to be passed is precisely to limit any judiciary rulings on legislative matters. The catch-22 is intentional. So, in short, the criminal Netanyahu has just made himself a dictator for life because notice the only reasons he can be removed from office: Psychological or other health reasons. Who is to say he just ignores the next general election and stays in office? Kinda sound familiar? The only reason traitor trump had to leave the White House is that the American Constitution sets the date and time his term expires. Israel does not have a Constitution. Next, Israel will pass the Enabling Act so he can bypass the Knesset altogether. Look, f***tards! How many times must I say it? How much evidence must I offer? Democracy is dying worldwide. It seems humanity — in all its stupid glory — has become too lazy, too apathetic, too f***tarded to care about self-government, so they have given up by electing dictators. What does it say for the rest of the world when the only democracy in the Middle East becomes extinct? Oh, well. Welcome to stupid humanity. It’s going to get worse. Mark my words!