More Mirror: An A**hole Country! (USA)

Sometimes I fail to remind readers that morons of America are only 40 to 45 percent of the population (maybe as much as 50 percent on a bad day), but it is a critical segment of the population because it is enough of the electorate to re-elect traitor trump and hold the rest of the nation hostage to white supremacist rule. There is just enough stupidity to be lethally dangerous to the majority and enough for a minority of the population to reign over the majority thanks to the Electoral College. Make no mistake about it: we are trapped in stupid America hell where the minority ruins it for the majority and it’s inescapable! And I say this based on more recent polling and the RepubliKKKlan tactics that I see.

The first case in point: From The Hill, “The survey found broad agreement across demographic groups over how people approach political surveys, though Democrats in the poll were less likely than Republicans to say that people lie in polls. … An Aug. 19-27 study conducted by CloudResearch, an online market research and data collection company, found that roughly 11 percent of Republican voters and 10 percent of independent voters said they would not report their true opinions about their preferred presidential candidate on telephone polls.” If I’ve said once, then I’ve said it a thousand times before: there is a silent majority of traitor trump supporters who lie to pollsters because deep down inside the vile, black hearts of Americans is traitor trump reflecting back precisely what these people see, like, and accept in themselves! They tolerate and accept an a**hole president because they are a***holes; they think Americans are (or should be) a**holes. That’s how America was built and founded. A bunch of a**holes ripping off and conning neighbors and friends to get ahead and make themselves great (again). This really is the essence of America! Mark my words, morons! They love traitor trump because he’s the Everyman of stupid a***holes!

The Obama presidency was an aberration but traitor trump is the rule! After eight years of a “black man” in office white America is never going to let that happen again. I keep hearing these pundits talk about changing demographics in America as if a younger cohort of citizens is somehow inherently more progressive and more enlightened. Wrong! One need only look to the nearest traitor trump Klan rally or MAGA moron parade to see they are filled with youths. How many times must I say it? RepubliKKKlans, MAGA morons, and evil evangelicals all f***ing breed like diseased rabbits and they breed more and faster than Democrats because when people are white non-college-educated morons all they know how to do is breed, which, of course, is traitor trump’s biggest demographic of support because I live in stupid America! I will say it one more f***ing time! Traitor trump can win with 45 percent of reported support, which is likely closer to 50 percent of the actual vote. Mark my words!