More Morons (and Then Some)

From Axios: “Some of President Trump’s supporters in Sioux City, Iowa love liberal populist proposals. They just don’t love the 2020 Democrats as the messengers.” More proof that in the end traitor trump voters are f***ing G.D. idiots. In short, the article in Axios just goes to prove that people vote for the bright shiny object despite the issues. It really is a demonstration that dumb people vote with their amygdala rather than their frontal lobe, which I assume was lobotomized or damaged at birth, diminishing their capacity to reason regardless — that is to say they are inherently stupid. So, these voters seem to understand — however weak that comprehension may be — what policies are better for them, but because the policies are embodied in a Democrat or women (e.g., “‘The presidency is a man’s job,'” said 44-year-old Jamison P.”) then they are automatically dissuaded. It is right up there with people liking key provisions of the ACA but hating Obamacare because they are too stupid to realize they are the same thing; because the latter is named after a black man then it must mean death panels.

The article goes on to say, “The economy was the issue that came up the most among this group when discussing their top concern heading into the 2020 presidential election. And although half of the respondents thought the national economy is booming, no one said they’ve seen an increase in their own wages or financial situation.” I suppose this is going to be the equivalent of a Democrat asking voters if their lives are any better off since traitor trump became president. I am sure that MAGA morons and RepubliKKKlans will collectively answer: no. Then collectively vote for traitor trump again because these idiots would rather be no better off and lead by a white guy than prosper rather than live in a prosperous country lead by a woman or some other minority. Make no mistake. The only reason Obama won is because of the worst financial crisis in 80 years. We are nowhere near to repeating that event, so it’s back to white male privilege protectionism and f*** the “coloreds” mentality!

Welcome to stupid America! We’re trapped in MAGA moron land and RepubliKKKlan stupidity; it is not going to change anytime soon. The country is drowning in stupidity!