More Mueller Bashing

Needless to say, I am not, nor have ever been, a fan of Mueller. While everyone, including Democrats, was falling all over each other praising Mueller’s integrity, I held my opinion, and I was right to do so. In my mind, he is nothing more than a RepubliKKKlan who in the end let traitor trump (and his family members) off the hook. Period! Full stop! I’m sorry, but Mueller hiding behind DOJ guidelines to justify his inability to prosecute the matter is no excuse: “[W]e determined not to apply an approach that could potentially result in a judgment that the President committed crimes.” Are you f***ing kidding me? What kind of m*****f***ing B.S. nonsense is this? In other words, during their investigation, they had already decided the president is above the law. Fan-f***ing-tastic! Moreover, by leaving the matter to Congress to resolve Mueller has effectively guaranteed that traitor trump will never be held accountable because RepubliKKKlans desire an imperial president! Congratulations, Mueller! He just made this president more tyrannical and America worse off. I hope Mueller can sleep well at night for what he failed to do. Welcome to stupid America where RepubliKKKlans do their best to elevate a president’s illegal actions above reproach from the law!