
More Murder in the Red States, Naturally

According to Axios, “Republicans have built their party on being the crime-fighting candidates, even as murder rates in red states have outpaced blue states by an average of 23% over the past two decades. … Third Way’s report analyzed homicide data for all 50 states from 2000 through 2020, using CDC data.” Of course! I expected nothing less! Yet, morons of America always believe the RepubliKKKlan line that they are “strong” on crime and that “crime” is out of control in “Democrat” cities (and states). It never f***ing fails. RepubliKKKlans, MAGA morons, evil evangelicals, and QAnon kook all paint the worst picture of “blue” America to scare voters into voting for their conservative policies and politicians. But when you dig deeper into the actual facts, it turns out — to the surprise of no one — that red states are the most crime-ridden.

Nonetheless, RepubliKKKlans still win with the fear-mongering because Americans are gullible morons. RepubliKKKlans create their own fictitious reality, and f***tarded Americans always believe them and right on cue! The same thing happens with the economy and government spending. Every moronic American believes RepubliKKKlans are the party of fiscal responsibility and the only stewards of a booming economy when, in fact, RepubliKKKlans, more often through their policies and mismanagement, tank the economy and run up the national debt while cutting taxes for the rich. It never f***ing fails. How and why f***tard Americans keep giving credit to RepubliKKKlans for Democratic successes and blame Democrats for RepubliKKKlan failures is beyond me, but it’s been this way for decades. Yet RepubliKKKlans keep getting elected and re-elected. This is what a dying country looks like. Welcome to stupid America!