More Proof Dumbass Democrats Set to Lose Election

The Hill reports on a Gallup poll: “Enthusiasm about voting has declined since January among members of both parties — down 6 points among Republicans to 62 percent and down 7 points among Democrats to 54 percent.” Un-f***ing-believable! Of course! Naturally! What else should I have expected! Democrats are pretty much lukewarm about getting traitor trump out of office. Like I have stated a hundred times before: traitor trump is going to win re-election because America is just too f***ing stupid! And apathetic! And just plain pathetic! Democracy is just too hard for liberals! If Democrats look at the state of the country and the world only to be bearly enthusiastic about changing things then just f*** it! Seriously! F*** it all! Let me just remind the morons of America out there. All the polls! All! Of! Them! Are easily understating traitor trump’s support because there is about 5% of the population too embarrassed to admit that they intend to vote for him. Mark my words, morons. I’m right about this! This is the very sad state of America: a country of morons elects another moron! And they’re willing to do it again! Welcome to trump stupid America! Always dumber than the day before without exception.