More QAmericanon Stupidity from the Moron-in-Chief Himself

From The Daily Beast, “President Donald Trump on Wednesday tentatively praised adherents of the QAnon conspiracy theory movement, thrilling followers of a crowd the FBI has described as a domestic terror threat with what they saw as new encouragement from the White House. … When a reporter pressed the president about the movement’s false belief that he is ‘secretly saving the world from this satanic cult of pedophiles and cannibals,’ Trump instead played coy and even seemed to affirm the bogus QAnon belief that he’s leading a shadowy war against his child-molesting enemies. ‘Well, I haven’t heard that,’ Trump said. ‘But is that supposed to be a bad thing or a good thing? You know, if I can help save the world from problems, I’m willing to do it. I’m willing to put myself out there. And we are, actually. … ‘I don’t know much about the movement [he lies], other than that I understand they like me very much, which I appreciate,’ Trump said.” Yeah, I hate this country. The dumb hurts!

Where to begin? QAnon is starting to take over the RepubliKKKlan Party because that’s what the morons want. Traitor trump doesn’t mind it. MAGA morons love it and evil Evangelicals embrace it because I live in stupid America hell! If there is one thing that binds idiots, then it is a conspiracy theory, and the f***tards of America elected the chief conspiracy theorist to be president! I can’t anymore with these morons. F***! I! Just! Can’t! Anymore! How the f*** did we get here? Seriously?!?! How did the dumbest people on the planet elect the dumbest person on the planet to the highest office in America? Oh, I know. Because America is the m*****f***ing G.D. dumbest nation in the galaxy. One could say Americans are galactically stupid! Every day I wake to wonder how the f*** did the f***tards of America pick traitor trump to be the leader? Whatever! I give up. Now, QAnon members will start seeping into government and idiots will wonder how the f*** did that happen? Welcome to trump stupid America. All stupid, all the time! All day, every day.

Mark my words, idiots. America is lost, but no one realizes it yet — except me, of course. It was lost the day morons of America elected traitor trump because people were too stupid to understand otherwise; they wanted to shake things up by blowing up the government! Congratu-f***ing-lations, idiots! I live a conspiracy theory hell and trust me when I say such beliefs are more pervasive that one thinks! Trust me! This is what we get and deserve. Whatever! At this point, we should just burn it all down and start from scratch.