More RepubliKKKlan Big Government Hypocrisy

Have I mentioned how much I hate RepubliKKKlans? All of them! Without exception. They are all vile, hateful hypocrites. According to Politico, “Government payments to farmers have surged to historic levels under President Donald Trump as the Agriculture Department floods the industry with cash to stem the financial losses from Trump’s tariff fights and the coronavirus pandemic. But as agriculture grows more reliant on unprecedented taxpayer support, farm policy experts and watchdog groups warn the subsidies are growing too big and too fast, with no strings attached and little oversight from Congress — and that Washington could have a difficult time shutting off the spigot.” Of course! As usual! Naturally! What else is new? I’m “shocked!” Once again, RepubliKKKlan hypocrisy is on full display and no one cares, least of all RepubliKKKlans! When Democrats want to use taxpayer dollars to help the poor, support sustainable energy programs, fund climate change mitigation efforts, provide affordable health care, and so forth then it’s the end of the f***ing world! Socialism! Communism! Marxists! Ugh! F*** me! I can’t! But when the government gives out charity to mega agribusinesses without strings and without oversight because of traitor trump’s failed trade policy then it’s silence. Whatever! I give up! Things are so f***ed up! Morons of America just love to elect RepubliKKKlans to office to destroy gains made by their Democratic predecessors. It never f***ing fails. Every f***ing time! Clinton followed Bush I and Obama followed Bush II. I’m sure some other Democrat will follow traitor trump’s second term. Mark my words, morons. America has been stuck on stupid for 40-plus years, and there is very little to give hope that America is getting any smarter. (We’re not!) Welcome to trump stupid America. Relentlessly dumber by the day!