More Endless RepubliKKKlan Hypocrisy

From CNN, “Rep. Duncan Hunter — who is accused of illegally dipping into campaign funds to pay for vacations, video games and more — will plead guilty in federal court on Tuesday, CNN confirmed on Monday.” What?!?! I thought the case against Hunter was a witch hunt? So, he’s pleading guilty to something he claims he didn’t do? Not! What else is new? It’s just more RepubliKKKlan hypocrisy, and, of course, none of this matters because MAGA morons and other idiot RepubliKKKlans will re-elect him nonetheless. He was re-elected under indictment and he’ll certainly be re-elected as a felon because this is trump stupid America where criminal RepubliKKKlans are more preferable to Democrats. Yup! Stupid people everywhere. Everywhere stupid people.