
More UFO Bat-Sh*t Idiocracy

According to The Hill, “An Ipsos poll, released on the eve of the congressional hearing, found that 42 percent of Americans believe in UFOs, while 1 in 10 respondents claims to have seen one. [Are you f***ing kidding me?!?! Lay off the drugs, people! Kill me now!] A 2021 report by Pew Research found that half of the nation believes military UFO reports constitute probable or definite evidence of extraterrestrial life. No other subject, perhaps, inspires such persistent talk about conspiracies and cover-ups. A Gallup poll in 2019 found that 68 percent of respondents believe the U.S. government knows ‘more about UFOs than it is telling us.’”

Have I mentioned that I live in stupid f***ing hell? It is a great and uniquely American paradox that citizens of this nation are more educated than ever (i.e., have at least some post-secondary higher education), yet they are dumber than ever! The growing belief that little green men are visiting the Earth proves Americans are f***ing G.D. morons of the highest m*****f***ing order. Have Americans never heard of Einstein? Perhaps, but they fail to understand even the basics of his work, namely the universal speed limit: The speed of light. I just wrote on this recently, but in a nutshell, extraterrestrial beings visiting us is virtually impossible given the incomprehensible vastness of the universe. Unless other-worldly intelligent life has figured out how to break, subvert, or harness the speed of light, there ain’t no aliens capable of visiting us. And if alien “life” has such advanced technology, then that begs the question, Why would they visit the Earth, and how could they be so clumsy — given their ability to bend space-time — to crash or be noticed? It does not make sense. Two seconds of some critical thinking could readily poke holes in UFO claims. People have been watching too many sci-fi programs, but then again, I expected nothing less from this sh*t-for-brains country. There is a reason why the rising belief in UFOs and the declining trust in science tracks perfectly with those more willing to accept conspiracy theories such as QAnon. It’s all connected, f***tards. Americans are getting dumber, and I live in stupid hell. Welcome to stupid America!