Moron Stunned Into Silence

Fantastic! The focus group of MAGA morons is back! I just love watching these things when they’re not boiling my blood! I’ve been watching these segments on “Morning Joe” of Georgia voters. Naturally, I am never disappointed by the abject stupidity that defines RepubliKKKlans, MAGA morons, evil evangelicals, and QAnon kooks. They prove themselves with every syllable uttered. Of course, this one idiot regurgitated all the moronic arguments as to why the January 6 insurrection attempt was not traitor trump’s or RepubliKKKlans’ fault: It was Antifa! Un-f***ing-believable! They never learn. It’s always the same with these morons. The bogyman did it; we would never. Needless to say, it was supremely gratifying when the moderator asked that if it was Antifa, why didn’t traitor trump do something about it? The man-moron Martin was literally stunned into silence. The problem with all these f***tards is that they lack critical thinking skills, so they fail to ruminate on issues. Instead, they just blindly ape what they hear from their fellow idiot conservative brethren. Consequently, when someone asks a logical question as a retort, they are completely flummoxed. The few brain cells that they have start to short circuit, and they lose speaking function. If you watch all the segments, then you will witness the incomprehensible stupidity that pervades this country, specifically on the RepubliKKKlan side. America is so stupid that it cannot be undone! We are so f***ed!

I will concede one surprising point. A couple of what I perceived to be the more conservative members of the focus group actually supported keeping Roe. One woman — not in the linked clip — actually said, “my body, my choice.” Wow! She honestly applied the standard correctly! Astonishing! Even a broken clock is correct twice a day. Naturally, none of these people’s votes will be swayed by the impending demise of Roe because in another segment — also not linked — one participant echoed what the rest were thinking: Any RepubliKKKlan candidate — Herschel Walker — is better than any Democrat. Welcome to stupid America! It’s too stupid to survive.