Morons of America to Re-elect Traitor [T]rump

According to Axios, “Trump’s job-approval rating in manufacturing-heavy counties in the Midwest and Northeast has risen since he entered office, despite low economic growth. The 77 counties analyzed by the WSJ backed Trump by a margin of 13 percentage points in 2016. … Trump’s job-approval rating in these counties has risen from 44% in 2017 to 49% in 2019, WSJ/NBC News surveys found.” I don’t know how many f***ing times I have to say it to the morons out there: traitor trump is going to get re-elected — short of an economic meltdown, which is not going to happen. He is getting more popular in the places that count. I’ve been saying it for two years now! This country is too stupid to not not re-elect him. Traitor trump is just as stupid as the average conservative and independent voter who elected him into office in the first place, so they like that a fellow moron is in the White House. It really is that simple for the simpletons. Like RepubliKKKlans in the era of Bush II with whom they wanted a president they could have a beer, now they have a president who is purely stupid and has no f***ing clue what he’s doing. Mark my words, morons. Four more years of traitor trump is going to happen. Welcome to stupid America!