Mueller Finishes with a Shrug

Traitor trump claims victory because Mueller concluded his investigation without any indictments of his family, and I fear in stupid America his claims will be well-received. Let’s face it. Americans are f***ing morons and without the shiny object of an actual conviction of traitor trump or his family members in the context of the Mueller probe, they will interpret this as being complete vindication, just as traitor trump has been espousing the entire time. No matter what the report actually says, it will be a classic case of “If it doesn’t fit, you must acquit.” Welcome to stupid America!

I find it astonishing that President Clinton was pressured into a personal interview by the special counsel concerning his extramarital affair in the 1990s, but traitor trump gets to evade the same treatment from an investigation into matters of national security (security of our national elections) and obstruction of justice. Un-f***ing-believable! People keep saying how noble, upright, and professional Mueller is, but he’s still a RepubliKKKlan and I don’t trust him. By not personally interviewing traitor trump he has essentially put the president above the law. Welcome to stupid America where most people stopped caring whether we have a crook in the White House or not because “but her emails!”