Mueller the Traitor

CNN reports, “The special counsel’s team has conveyed the notion that Mueller does not want to appear political after staying behind the scenes for two years and not speaking as he conducted his investigation into President Donald Trump. One option is to have him testify behind closed doors. But the notion that Mueller would only answer questions in private has become a sticking point, according to a source, as Democrats believe the public needs to hear directly from the special counsel.” I’ve said it once; I’ve said it twice; I’ve said it a dozen times: Mueller is a traitor that will not save this country. One would think a person who basically laid out a case that traitor trump is a criminal but couldn’t be prosecuted because of administrative rules would be willing and eager to testify. But no! I guess he is reluctant to see justice done. I guess he believes the president is above the law and that he should flout Congressional authority. Mueller, like the rest of them, is wasting time! Honestly, I am so f***ing sick and tired of House leadership cutting any of these witnesses slack. There is absolutely no reason to be negotiating with Mueller to testify. Send him a f***ing subpoena for f*** sake already. And why the f*** does he still work for the DOJ? Doesn’t he have a day job to return to at some point — soon? All RepubliKKKlans stick together no matter what the situation. Welcome to stupid America.