Mueller Time

CNN is reporting that “Attorney General William Barr is expected to provide Congress and the public Sunday with his summary of the main conclusions from special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation, according to a person familiar with the process.” I’m not sure how this rush to publish “principal conclusions” can be anything but excellent news for traitor trump. Is Mueller’s report that brief and incredulous it can be summarized in a mere two business days? How is it two year’s worth of investigation be digested and summarizes in less than 48 hours? Perhaps deference to the president is so skewed that the most cursory of a summation is believed to be warranted; after all the president has been waiting for two years to move on from this (nevermind the people). I’m sorry, but the unusually claim, quiet demeanor of traitor trump in the last 36 hours tells me all that I need to know. I think we all keep forgetting the big picture here: these people are, in the end, all RepubliKKKlans–Barr, Mueller, traitor trump–and they all protect each other, despite their claims of being the “law and order” party; that pretense is all a shame. I think the report will be whitewashed, and the Democrats will have to fight to get the truth published, but by then it will be too late. With the Mueller investigation officially completed without any indictments of traitor trump’s closest circle of advisors, the public will say it’s time to move on and move on they will, while Democrats will be blamed for really pursuing a witch hunt. All the momentum was tied up in this Mueller investigation, not any of these additional ancillary investigations, and there is absolutely nothing to indicate that Mueller has hit the right target! Traitor trump – 1; Democrats and democracy – 0. Mark my words. Welcome to stupid America!

Update: I nailed it! Moreover, I have no f***ing clue how one concludes that the DOJ’s failure to charge traitor trump with obstruction of justice translates to anything other than being exonerated. Of course, he’s been exonerated, you f***ing G.D. morons! It’s de facto exoneration! If one is never charged with a crime then one can never be guilty. That is the entire point of there being Department of Justice policy to never indict a sitting president; it is to protect the president at all times and to set him above the law. It is that f***ing simple. The DOJ decided they needed to protect a corrupt president after Nixon, which works out really well for RepubliKKKlans, as usual. Un-f***ing-believable! This is the DOJ’s backhanded way of confirming traitor trump’s “innocence” without having to prove it. I told you so. Did we really expect RepubliKKKlans looking into the actions of other RepubliKKKlans to yield different results? Stupid people everywhere, everywhere stupid people. They never interviewed traitor trump! The fix was always in to cover for the president from the very beginning. End of story! So, all the next president needs to do is break the law and then refuse to cooperate because the DOJ is forbidden to pursue the president. This Mueller investigation has institutionalized the protection of all future presidents’ misbehavior. Thank you so much for that. Welcome to stupid America where there is no rule of law, just the rule of the RepubliKKKlans who put the president above the law unless, of course, the president is a Democrat. Then we need to prosecute him for lying about getting a f***ing blow job, while traitor trump cuts checks in the Oval Office to his then-lawyer as reimbursements to pay off a porn star to keep her quiet about the time he f***ed her as a married man. And to think this man is considered a great president by soon-to-be 50%-plus of the population. Mark my words! F*** me! I can’t anymore! I just can’t!