Axios reports, “Trump ultimately wasn’t charged with obstruction earlier this year by special counsel Robert Mueller because he did not want to ‘place burdens on the President’s capacity to govern,’ per the Mueller report.” I never had faith in Mueller and this is just another instance. First, traitor trump has no capacity to govern. Second, maybe he should have been more worried about exposing traitor trump for the criminal he is. Last, Mueller, like every other RepubliKKKlan, was always going to betray the country for his party. Welcome to stupid America where each and every RepubliKKKlan without except — even “never trumpers,” which don’t really exist — is a f***ing G.D. traitor to America! I’ve said it once and I’ll say it again: every RepubliKKKlan voter and vote since Nixon has led to and condoned a person like traitor trump. Full stop! RepubliKKKlans don’t get to absolve themselves from the consequences of their votes when an incompetent, criminal, and moronic president wins and governs in their party’s name! So, f*** every RepubliKKKlan. I do not pray for their good health! The fewer RepubliKKKlan voters the better! I’m sick of people pretending that RepubliKKKlans and Democrats have anything in common. There is absolutely no commonality between a party that wants to progress and a party that wants to go backward.